Originally Posted by mach440 View Post
Overall I think Bobbi is absolutely correct though that the BIG problem was at the top: Lenkov -- and I would include his associates Alex Kurtzman, Orosi, JJ Abrams et al and that whole group of collaborators. They've been very prominent in TV and movies over the past decade (Star Wars, Star Trek, MacGuyver, Magnum, Five-Zero, Picard) and you nailed it Bobbi: not really a single meaningful original (intelligent) idea in that entire list. Their M.O. is they seem to get the surface "look" and "feel" of the originals and "try" to pay homage to the classic versions, but stupidly substitute busy movement and "modern" appearances for intelligent thought and almost never come up with a noteworthy original idea. (If you think Five-Zero got wrecked; they've absolutely butchered Star Trek: Picard --- which my lifelong Trek-fan daughter and I were so excited to begin and now we've already quit in disgust before the 9th episode -- as Mad magazine used to say, "Bleeeeaaeeeck!")
I know this is off-topic **WITH SPOILERS** but wanted to let mach440 know I gave "Star Trek: Picard" a chance but they gave me characters I couldn't care less about and there were too many of them. I did find a solution though, I only got partway through episode 4 before quitting. I skipped to the one with Riker and Deanna and then went straight to the final episode of Season 1. I will not be going back. It's sad.